Tourist information | Vemdalen Sweden

Tourist Information

General tourist information at Vemdalsskalet

In Vemdalsskalet you will find the tourist information. Here we have information about both summer and winter activities. We also have a large selection of magazines and brochures about the region, activities and restaurants in the area just to be picked up by you! We also sell a variety of maps for hiking, skiing and snowmobiling. Books, postcards and souvenirs can be found here too!

Or why not just check in to warm yourself up or browse through our magazines?

You are welcome if you have questions or need information, we have the information you need for a pleasure stay in destination Vemdalen.


Nya landsvägen 46b, 840 92 Vemdalen

Tel: +46 (0) 684 30001
Opening hours:
14th of December - 18th of April, all day 10am – 5pm.
19th of April- 20th of June, Monday-Friday 10am-4pm, no swedish holidays.
21th of June-26th of September, all day 10am – 5pm.
27th of September- 13th of December, Monday-Friday 10am-4pm, no swedish holidays.

  More turist informations and info points in Vemdalen

Here you will find contact information for our Tourist Informations and InfoPoints. An InfoPoint is an easier type of Tourist Information where visitors

can drop in for inspiration and personal tip on beautiful places, directions, events, etc. in the immediate area. If you are looking for information about

the region or wishing information by e-mail or phone, please contact the Tourist Information.

Tourist Information


Logga touristinformation

Address: Nya Landsvägen 46b, SkaletTorg
Phone: +46(0)684-300 01
Opening hours: Mon-fri 10am –4pm until 11 dec.
12 dec-23 april All days 10 am- 5 am.


Ekbergs Fiske & Fritid


Address: Håvägen 8, Vemdalen


Storhogna Högfjällshotell & Spa


Address: Värdshusvägen 4, Vemdalen


Hotell Klövsjöfjäll


 Address: Katrina Fjällby, Klövsjö



Klövsjö Stenugnsbageri

Address: Klövsjövägen 44,Klövsjö


Bräjks Matbar


Address: Terrassvägen 40, Björnrike

Åsarna Skicenter


Address: Olstavägen 45, Åsarna


  Trosavik Slöjd & Café

Address: Hedeviken 254, 840 93 Hede

Regional tourist information

 Here you can find more information about the region Jämtlands/Härjedalen!

Swedish tourist information

Here you can read more about things to do in Sweden